I am an associate professor and master’s supervisor at Nanjing Normal University, with a primary research focus on machine learning and data mining.
I received my bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Southeast University, my Ph.D. from Tongji University, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Southeast University. I am a visiting scholar sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). I serve as a committee member of the Visual Big Data Committee of the Chinese Society for Image and Graphics (CSIG-BVD). I have led several projects including a National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Project and a Youth Project, a sub-project of a key research and development plan project funded by the Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province, a China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project, and a Jiangsu Higher Education Science Foundation project.
As a first author or corresponding author, I have published over 20 papers in top-tier SCI journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB), Pattern Recognition (PR), Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), PRCV, KSEM, IJCNN, ADMA, PRICAI, among others. I served as a session chair at PRICAI 2018 and have reviewed articles for multiple SCI journals and international conferences including Pattern Recognition and Neurocomputing. I was awarded the ACM Nanjing Chapter’s Rising Star Award in 2021.
✨ Research Interests
- Machine learning
- Label distribution learning and Label enhancement
- Open-world learning
- Image classification
🔥 News
- 2024.11: 🎉 Congratulations to Xuzilong for being awarded the China National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students!
- 2024.07: 🎉 One paper is accepted by KBS 2024.
- 2024.06: 🎉 One paper is accepted by PR 2024.
- 2024.03: 🎉 One paper is accepted by IJCNN 2024.
📝 Publications
🎙 Selected Research Papers
Efficient Representation Learning for Generalized Category Discovery
Zilong Xu, Chao Tan*, Jiaxi Zhang, Anning Song, Genlin Ji
Keywords: Open-world Learning, Generalized category discovery, Image classification
Label enhancement via manifold approximation and projection with graph convolutional network
Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Xin Geng, Yunyao Zhou, Genlin Ji
Keywords: Multi-label classification, Label distribution learning, Manifold learning
A novel label enhancement algorithm based on manifold learning
Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Xin Geng, Genlin Ji
Keywords: Multi-label learning, Label enhancement, Incremental subspace learning
🎙 All Publications
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
📰 Journal Papers
2024 Knowledge-based Systems
Efficient Representation Learning for Generalized Category Discovery, Zilong Xu, Chao Tan*, Jiaxi Zhang, Anning Song, Genlin Ji2024 Pattern Recognition
Label enhancement via manifold approximation and projection with graph convolutional network, Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Xin Geng, Yunyao Zhou, Genlin Ji2023 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Multi‐label enhancement manifold learning algorithm for vehicle video, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji, Xiaoqian Zeng2023 Pattern Recognition
A novel label enhancement algorithm based on manifold learning, Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Xin Geng, Genlin Ji2023 Pattern Recognition
A label distribution manifold learning algorithm, Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Xin Geng, Genlin Ji2022 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
A novel probabilistic label enhancement algorithm for multi-label distribution learning, Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Genlin Ji, Xin Geng2020 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Multilabel distribution learning based on multioutput regression and manifold learning, Chao Tan*, Sheng Chen, Genlin Ji, Xin Geng2020 Tsinghua Science and Technology
LTSA-LE: A local tangent space alignment label enhancement algorithm, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji, Richen Liu, Yanqiu Cao2019 Journal of Imaging Science & Technology
Sketch-Based Slice Interpretative Visualization for Stratigraphic Data., Richen Liu, Liming Shen, Xueyi Chen, Genlin Ji, Bin Zhao, Chao Tan, Mingjun Su2019 Visual Informatics
A survey of multi-space techniques in spatio-temporal simulation data visualization, Xueyi Chen, Liming Shen, Ziqi Sha, Richen Liu, Siming Chen, Genlin Ji, Chao Tan2019 Tsinghua Science and Technology
LKLR: A local tangent space-alignment kernel least-squares regression algorithm, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2017 Journal of Computer Research and Development
Self-adaptive Streaming Big Data Learning Algorithm Based on Incremental Tangent Space Alignment, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji, Bin Zhao2017 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Semisupervised local preserving embedding algorithm based on maximum margin criterion for large‐scale data streams, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2015 Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
IKLTSA: An incremental kernel LTSA method, Chao Tan, Jihong Guan*, Shuigeng Zhou2013 Zhineng Xitong Xuebao
Incremental and evolutionary manifold learning: a survey, Chao Tan, Jihong Guan*, Shuigeng Zhou
💼 Conference Papers
2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Imbalanced Label Enhancement Based on Variational Information Bottleneck, Anning Song, Chao Tan*, Jiaxi Zhang, Zilong Xu2023 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
Leveraging Data Correlations for Skin Lesion Classification, Junzhao Hao, Chao Tan*, Qinkai Yang, Jing Cheng, and Genlin Ji2023 Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
Label Distribution-based Open-world Semi-supervised Learning, Qinkai Yang, Chao Tan, Junzhao Hao, Genlin Ji2023 26th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
Privileged Label Enhancement with Adaptive Graph, Qin Qin, Chao Tan*, Chong Li, Genlin Ji2022 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
Label Enhancement with Sample Correlation via Sparse Representation, Xiaoqian Zeng, Qin Qin, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2022 Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Label Enhancement Using Inter-example Correlation Information, Chong Li, Chao Tan*, Qin Qin, Genlin Ji2021 Ninth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
Label Enhancement with Sample Correlations via Low-dimensional Feature Representation, Xiaoqian Zeng, Zhen Xu, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2020 Eighth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
Label Enhancement Manifold Learning Algorithm for Multi-label Image Classification, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2018 15th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
DKE-RLS: a manifold reconstruction algorithm in label spaces with double kernel embedding-regularized least square, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2016 International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
SSLPE: A Semi-Supervised Local Preserving Embedding Algorithm, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2016 Cloud Computing and Security: Second International Conference
A manifold learning algorithm based on incremental tangent space alignment, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji2015 Third International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
SLFE: A New Semi-supervised Local Feature Extraction Algorithm, Chao Tan*, Genlin Ji, Bin Zhao2013 Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management
A nonlinear dimension reduction method with both distance and neighborhood preservation, Chao Tan, Chao Chen, Jihong Guan*2012 Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 8th International Conference
A new manifold learning algorithm based on incremental spectral decomposition, Chao Tan, Jihong Guan*2012 12th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
A feature space alignment learning algorithm, Chao Tan, Jihong Guan*
🖥 Projects
- 2025 - 2028, Research on Incremental Label Distribution Learning in Open-environment, National Natural Science Foundation of China
- 2023 - 2026, Key technologies of big data governance and analysis for national audit and research and development, Jiangsu Province science and technology plan key research and development plan project(sub topic)
- 2018 - 2020, Research on incremental feature extraction algorithms of high dimensional big data streams, National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project
- 2017 - 2019, Research on incremental manifold learning optimization algorithm for big data streams, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
- 2017 - 2018, Research on the incremental adaptive manifold learning algorithm for big data flow, the open project foundation of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University
- 2015 - 2017, Incremental Semi-supervised Learning Algorithms for Big Data Stream, Natural Science Research of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
🏅 Honors and Awards
🎖 Academic Title:
- Member of CSIG-BVD Special Committee
- Member, CSIG Women Authors Committee
- Member of the China Computer Federation
- Member of the Jiangsu Assocation of Artificial Intelligence
- PRICAI 2018 session chair
- PC Member of the International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data
🎖 Awards:
- 2021 ACM China Council Nanjing Chapter Rising Star Award
- CBD2016 Best Paper Award